The end of July has been exciting at the H*VMI Ministry Center. Many of the contractors are doing their finishing work for their particular task. The HVAC people are finishing up, making way for the drop-ceiling grids to be hung. The parking lot and basketball court lines are painted. We had a sign made and hung on the street for passersby to have a better idea what’s going on at…”The old golf course.”

In coming weeks during August we will be using the Ministry Center for its first event since the office began being built. Each Thursday evening in August we will be holding our “Lesson on the Lawn” outdoor Bible club. Participants will be able to park in the parking lot and stroll on the new pathways to get to the “Lesson on the Lawn” spot.

PRAY for the future activity at the property - for safety for the contractors and smooth progress of the final stages of the office build. PRAY for the fundraising efforts and connections being made. God is Faithful and He is providing!

I added this to the end of the Facebook page:

REMINDER - here's the link to our REACH THE GOAL page of our ministry website: See ways you can help spread the word and also a link to our online giving page to make a 50/50 Challenge donation - in honor of HVMI's upcoming 50th Anniversary in October.