“The hills are alive – with the sound of … EXCAVATING!”

Update from Kyle Robinson: In Mid-February the start of major excavation on the H*VMI Site began. Excavators brought in just a few machines, but they moved a TON of dirt, creating a large pile of top soil in the former parking lot area! They also began bringing in loads of rock from an offsite location for use to bring the parking lot and office pad up to grade. God has provided in amazing ways in these few short weeks of activity. Keep praying for good weather and no big surprises in the course of construction. We’ve been meeting with AMES Construction. They are aware of the timeline speeding up. Although they can’t make the supplies appear if the supplies aren’t there, they are working on moving their timeline to be ready to start when B.R. Kreider says the building pad is ready for them.

Thoughts from the Founder and Ministry Ambassador, Tim Sheetz: My wife and I “happen” to live on a property that’s adjacent to the H*VMI Property. We’ve told many people, “We think it’s God’s sense of humor!” The H*VMI team looked far and near for a property to purchase – and He provided one, literally, right under our noses. Kathy and I are enjoying opening our bedroom curtains each morning to look out and see excavators moving dirt – in meaningful ways! In one day, 70 dump truck loads of donated dirt and rock was deposited on the property. It formed a literal mountain from which they are drawing this material that will help level and strengthen the ground on which the office, the first building to go up, will be constructed. I’m tempted, each morning, to break into song… “The hills are alive – with the sound of …excavating!”

From Day 1, this property has been dedicated to the Lord. When construction is complete, and all buildings in use, we anticipate the opportunity to serve many more people with disability and grief challenges. And, YOU can know that God has used you to help make this happen. Praise Him. Thank you.