Taste and See

Psalm 34:8 "O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!"

It's a hot day. You look at the list of ice cream flavors on the menu board. There's a new flavor. It's just too appealing to pass up. One sample lick and any resolve you have to avoid temptation is gone. You have to have more ......like the whole container!

That, I believe, is what David is expressing for himself and for each of us. You're in a dilemma. You're exhausted, discouraged and "at the end of your rope." You cry for relief - for hope.

David writes, " taste and see."

Go to God. He's the only refuge in time of need. Let Him speak to your heart through His Word. See that He is the One Who can quench the dryness of a hurting heart. That one taste can bring on "swallows," maybe even "gulps," of amazing grace. Your thirst will be quenched and you will find yourself ushered into the entire ice cream factory of peace, strength and contentment.