Light In the Darkness

Many believe we are living in a very “dark” period of time. We long for “light” to shine when our days are dark and foreboding.

I love the way Scripture is so alive and fresh. Reading the same passage many times over doesn’t diminish that. It only underscores the truth that – it’s the LIVING Word. An example of this presented itself to me recently as I was reading in Genesis 1, verses 2-4 say:

“And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water. Then God said, ‘Let there be light; and there was light.’ And God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from darkness.”

Please take note:

  1. The Spirit of God moved and brought light to overwhelm the darkness.

  2. God separated the light from the darkness.

  3. That light was not produced from the sun. The sun was created on Day 4. The light God created on the first day was strictly a supernatural, divine light, coming directly from Him.

  4. At the close of each created day, we read, “And there was evening and morning.” That’s different than the way we typically distinguish days. We think of each day beginning with the daylight of morning and ending with the dark of night. But, according to God’s Word, a new day  starts in darkness but it ends in the light.*

From the very first chapter of Genesis and throughout the Scriptures, God provides encouragement in any darkness we might experience from time to time. David exclaimed in 2 Samuel 22:29, “For Thou art my lamp, O LORD, and the LORD illumines my darkness.” In Psalm 119:105, we read, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.”

The same God Who created light to overwhelm darkness in Genesis 1 remains able to do the same with any darkness that Believers through the ages, may experience – including you today! Yes, darkness can be overwhelming; but, by His grace and in His timing, light will come. It may come quickly or it may come over a prolonged period of time. That determination is made by God. As we trust Him in the darkness, He reveals His incredible love and grace. And, our faith has opportunity to grow!

The tough question is this: “Until He sends light to illumine the dark times in your life, are you willing to trust God and discover what He wants to teach you about Himself?”

*Based on the creation account, in Genesis, “And there was evening and morning,” on the Hebrew calendar, each new day starts at sunset.