Don't Stop Praying!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers! You received the postcard, read the update on Facebook or on this blog pertaining to the January 2nd and January 13th meetings with the local authorities. I was hopeful to be writing an update for you regarding how the meeting went this week, but God had different plans. The dates of the meetings have been changed. We found out about these changes this week and are eager to communicate them with you. The January 2nd meeting with the Akron Planning Commission has been moved to January 9th. The January 13th Conditional Use Hearing has been moved to February 10th. We are disappointed with the extra delay of the Conditional Use Hearing, but the timing is not in our hands, it is in the Lord's. We trust and rely on Him completely through this project. Thank you for praying. Please keep it up! Be looking on this page for updates about the two meetings.