An Amazing Gift

The word the angel gave to Joseph from God in Matthew 1 provided explicit instructions regarding the name to be given to the infant his betrothed, Mary, was carrying. In verse 21 we read, " … you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He Who will save His people from their sins." That's exactly what Jesus did. He became the one and only Savior from sin. It was the fulfillment of a long anticipated prophecy. But then, the angel went further. He stated in verse 23. " … and they shall call His name 'Immanuel' which translated, means, 'God with us.' " That must have been incredible for Joseph to hear. The child he would be raising would be the very Son of God - Savior AND Immanuel - coming in human form to live in Joseph's own house. Little did Joseph know, at the outset of this journey, that this child would be the ever present One Who one day would inhabit the people who invited Him into their lives. Now that's something to "chew" on over this Christmas season.The Son of God living inside of you! Why? To assure you of His love … to give you comfort, strength, direction and grace because of that love. What an amazing gift. I invite you to give Him thanks for the gift that came as a babe wrapped in cloths laying in, of all places - a manger. Who would have ever thought? Probably not Joseph.