Less ... or ... Full

In Psalm 73, Asaph states a question many (if not all) of us face some time in our life. Why do the unrighteous always seem to get away with the wrongness in which they engage so openly? It becomes even more puzzling when we try to live a godly life and still experience grief, pain and even, at times, hostility toward doing the right thing. Asaph expresses it so well in verses 13-14.

"Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure and washed my hands in innocence; for I have been stricken all day long and chastened every morning." He goes on to say in verse 16, "If I had said, ‘I will speak thus,’ behold, I would have betrayed the generation of Your children. When I pondered to understand this, it was troublesome in my sight…"

Eventually, Asaph comes to a time when He looks away from his own viewpoint and waits upon the Lord for HIS viewpoint. Asaph writes in verse 17, "…Until I came into the sanctuary of God......" What a difference that makes to the Believer.

Coming into the presence of the sovereign, loving, all-knowing and caring God makes the difference. Our perspective changes. The "less" in hopeless changes into "full." (Well, hopeful with one l!!!)