God's Great Love

I have a sign alongside my desk which serves as a wonderful reminder of God's grace and care. It twists  the words of the familiar chorus, "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." The sign reads: "Jesus knows me, this I love." What an incredible truth that rings loud and clear, straight from Psalm 139.

Think with me about what the saying represents:

God knows me and, even with all the blemishes He sees in me, He accepts me as His very own.

God loves me more than I can comprehend.

God desires to use the gifts He has placed within me.

God invites me to draw closer to Him.

God actively cares about the pain and loss that enters my life.

God remains with me through the "darkness" of my pain and reminds me that He "will never leave nor forsake me."

God is patiently conforming me into the image of His precious Son.

God is preparing a place for me to live with Him for eternity.

These true facts call me to sing the "Doxology" and "Great is Thy Faithfulness” with tear-filled gratitude.

How about you?!?!